NOTE: Depending on the configuration of the strip panel, a $50 minimum order amount will be required. All orders under $50 will be rejected or refunded.
Full-Size, 2-Pole Stripanels
- Stripanels available in 2 to 12 circuits - Color Coded (Other configurations are available. Go to the "Contact Us" tab and explain your requirement)
- For cutouts - Panel does not require mounting frame or mounting holes.
- Stripanels can be wired and installed completely from front. Patented self-contained fastening device, "T-Nut", is permanently attached, simplifies mounting, holds tight. Patent No. 3046515.
- Thermocouple type and circuit numbers are marked on face of Stripanel with corresponding circuit numbers and polarity identification on the back. Stripanels are numbered starting from "1" unless specified otherwise.
- Panel bodies molded of glass filled thermoset compounds (will not melt) for high strength and dependability. The color coded panels will withstand ambient temperatures to 400°F (205°C) continuous and 500°F (260°C) intermittent. High-Temperature Panels (all Hi-Temp panels are color coded red) will withstand ambient temperatures to 800°F (425°C) continuous and 1000°F (540°C) intermittent.
- Inserts are spring loaded collet type to assure positive full contact with the negative insert larger making it virtually impossible to mismate.
- For corrosive applications, gold or nickel plated prongs and inserts are available. Caution - system errors can result from use of plated contacts if significant thermal gradients exist at connector.