Despatch TAF and TFF walk-in/truck-in furnaces are ideal for large batch processing that requires high temperatures. Common applications for these versatile furnaces including: aging, bonding, curing, drying, finish baking, heat treating and stress-relieving. Horizontal, recirculating air flow creates precise, consistent temperature uniformity throughout the furnace.
High temperature applications that include flammable solvents or large amounts of moisture removal are best suited for TFF model furnaces. TFF Class A furnaces are specifically designed to meet NFPA 86 requirements and include a pressure relief panel, purge timer and exhaust fan.
TAF and TFF furnaces offer standard temperatures up to 537℃ (1000℉) and are equipped with the Protocol 3™ control system.
Standard Features:
TES are a trusted representative for Despatch Industrial Ovens and Furnaces in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. We can provide oven service, maintenance programs, controller upgrades, calibration, uniformity surveys, start-up and training, replacement parts and repair services.
For more information about Despatch products contact us or visit Despatch Industries.